
Import Base Files

We recommend for your including javascript files and css files as follows:

<!-- jQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dependents/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- bootstrap -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dependents/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../dependents/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
	<script src="../../../dependents/bootstrap/plugins/ie/html5shiv.js"></script>
	<script src="../../../dependents/bootstrap/plugins/ie/respond.js"></script>
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<script src="../../../dependents/bootstrap/plugins/ie/json2.js"></script>
<!-- font-awesome -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../dependents/fontAwesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" media="all" />
<!-- DLShouWen Grid -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dlshouwen.grid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../i18n/en.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../dlshouwen.grid.css" />
<!-- datePicker -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dependents/datePicker/WdatePicker.js" defer="defer"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../dependents/datePicker/skin/WdatePicker.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../dependents/datePicker/skin/default/datepicker.css" />
Import i18n Files

You need include the language files in the I18N folder below the dlshouwen.grid.js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../i18n/en.js"></script>
Instance DLShouWen Grid

You can instantiation the DLShouWen Grid object using the following code, DLShouWen Grid object will support some functions, please refer to this reference to know parameters or functions.

//Code Table
var sex = {1:'Male', 2:'Female'};
var degree = {1:'Elementary School', 2:'Middle School', 3:'High School', 4:'College', 5:'Bachelor', 6:'Master', 7:'Doctor', 8:'Others'};
//Simulated Data (Salary Between $6000 on $12000, Date Between 1980-01-01 00::00:00 on 2014-10-01 00:00:00)
var datas = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<186; i++){
	var user = new Object();
	user.user_id = 'user_'+i;
	user.user_code = 'user_'+i;
	user.user_name = 'Fake User No. '+(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)+10000); = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2)+1);
	user.salary = (Math.floor(Math.random()*6000)+6000); = (Math.floor(Math.random()*8)+1);
	user.time = new Date(Math.floor(Math.random()*1096588800000)+315504000000);
	user.time_stamp_s = Math.floor((Math.floor(Math.random()*1096588800000)+315504000000)/1000);
	user.time_stamp_ms = Math.floor(Math.random()*1096588800000)+315504000000;
	user.string_date = $ Date(Math.floor(Math.random()*1096588800000)+315504000000), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
	user.string_time = $ Date(Math.floor(Math.random()*1096588800000)+315504000000), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');
//Definition DLShouWen Grid
var gridColumns = [
	{id:'user_code', title:'User Code', type:'string', columnClass:'text-center', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'eq'},
	{id:'user_name', title:'User Name', type:'string', columnClass:'text-center', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'lk'},
	{id:'sex', title:'Sex', type:'string', codeTable:sex, columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'eq', resolution:function(record, value){
		var content = '';
			content += '<span style="background:#00a2ca;padding:2px 10px;color:white;">Male</span>';
			content += '<span style="background:#c447ae;padding:2px 10px;color:white;">Female</span>';
		return content;
	{id:'salary', title:'Salary', type:'number', format:'#,###.00', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range'},
	{id:'degree', title:'Degree', type:'string', codeTable:degree, columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'eq' },
	{id:'time', title:'Date Time', type:'date', format:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'md|sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range' },
	{id:'time_stamp_s', title:'Timestamp(s)', type:'date', format:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', otype:'time_stamp_s', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'lg|md|sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range' },
	{id:'time_stamp_ms', title:'Timestamp(ms)', type:'date', format:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', otype:'time_stamp_ms', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'lg|md|sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range' },
	{id:'string_date', title:'Date String', type:'date', format:'yyyy-MM-dd', otype:'string', oformat:'yyyy-MM-dd', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'lg|md|sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range' },
	{id:'string_time', title:'Date Time String', type:'date', format:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', otype:'string', oformat:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', columnClass:'text-center', hideType:'lg|md|sm|xs', fastQuery:true, fastQueryType:'range' }
var gridOption = {
	ajaxLoad : false,
	exportFileName : 'User List',
	datas : datas,
	columns : gridColumns,
	pageSize : 10
var grid = $.fn.dlshouwen.grid.init(gridOption);
Column Options

DLShouWen Grid through JSON array to definition columns, each column will have many properties.


Defines the id of columns, this id will matching the data field name, if this column is a custom column, this property can be any code, pay attention to each column of this property can not be repeated.

Type: string

Default: field


Column title, can fill in any code.

Type: string

Default: field


The column's width, this parameter more like max-width, when the table width less than the sum of the columns, this column still be pressed. when all columns have this parameter, it will be turn into percentage mode just like the cell parameter width.

Example: width:80\width:'80px'\width:'20%'

Type: string or number

Default: null


The column's data type, optional types are as follows:

string: Character

date: Data or time

number: Numerical

Type: Weak enumeration, optional values: string, date, number

Default: string


Content formatting attributes, this attribute only works when column's data type is date or number.

For the date type, formatted script are as follows:

y: Year

M: Month

d: Day

h: Hour

m: Minute

s: Seconds

S: Millisecond

Typical examples are as follows: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S, the display of the content is: 2014-10-21 09:50:33.386.

For the number type, formatted script are as follows:

#: If the data first char by 0, then does not display in the content

0: In any case will display, no data in this code site also display 0

Typical examples are as follows: #,###.00, the display of the content is: 12,345,678.90 .

Note: The format attribute is affect print and export, use the format parameter formatting content in print and export will also analyze by this format.

Type: string

Default: null


The original type of display column data, this parameter is used for formatting to judge the type of original data, at present only when the type parameter is date efficient. When the property is not configured, default that data is the date of JS objects to format. Optional types are as follows:

time_stamp_s: Second time stamp

time_stamp_ms: The millisecond time stamp

string: The string type

Type: Weak enumeration type, optional values: time_stamp_s, time_stamp_ms, string

Default: null。


With the use of the otype parameter, when the otype parameter is string, we need you to inform the date string format, the expression was same to format parameter.

Type: string

Default: null


Define the style for each cell in column, the expression was same to standard CSS.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Define the custom style sheet for each cell in column.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Define the style for each header, the expression was same to standard CSS.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Define the custom style sheet for each header.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Is completely hidden, when hide is true, this column will not displayed, and also not output DOM codes. This property is used for some columns which is primary key column, it's displayed but also can be used.

Type: boolean

Default: false


This property is used for response grid configuration, configuration which terminal for hidden or display, the property provided as follows:

xs: Hidden in the smallest screen, usually used in mobile phone terminal: less than 768 pixels

sm: Hidden in the smaller screen, usually used for pad terminal: from 768 pixels to 992 pixels

md: Hidden in the secondary screen, usually used for computer terminal: from 992 pixels to 1200 pixels

lg: Hidden in the big screen, usually used for high pixels computer terminal: greater than 1200 pixels

DLShouWen Grid supports response is based on Bootstrap, using visible-lg, visible-md, visible-sm, visible-xs four style sheet parameters to complete response analysis, if you need to adjust the various trigger terminal pixels, you can modify those four style sheet parameters in Bootstrap.

Multiple parameters using | to segmentation, such as: md|sm|xs, this column is only displayed in the large screen.

Type: string

Default: Empty string, display in all the terminal.


Whether to display the content in the extended column. The response type is based on control style sheets, so the content of the data table display and hidden content is independent, the contents of each cell is actually output in two copies, DLShouWen Grid through the procedures and configured to control this column display in normal table or display in the extra line. It will make some errors occur in some custom resolution columns, such as display a custom resolution cell is complicated check box, through the check property cannot be done this require, only through the custom resolution attribute can make it well, this leads to every check box will parse out the two check boxes, error occur when get those check boxes values by DOM, so we provide this extra attribute, when the extra property is false, the expansion will not display and output the content, it will avoid the error occur when you do somthing in this column.

Type: boolean

Default: true


This parameter for the expansion of the code table information. Many systems provide code table mechanism, through the cache (for J2EE projects this cache usually stored in the application domain) to store the code table information, it can avoid frequent access to the database, and also can planning code table information avoid confusion.

DLShouWen Grid, through this parameter to realize the code table, such as gender, 1 representation male, 2 representation female, data content is 1 or 2, put JSON object in this property, by gender for example format is: {1:'male', 2:'female'}, then it will display male or female.

Note: If the code table does not match the contents, such as the above example, the contents of the data is 3, then we will display 3.

Note: The code table analyze is works on print and export.

Type: Object

Default: null


Whether to enable fast query, if you enable fast query at some columns, click the fast query button, it will display fast query form in fast query panel.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Fast query type, the optional parameter type:

eq: equals

ne: not equals

lk: like

ll: left like

rl: right like

gt: great than

ge: great than equals

lt: less than

le: less than equals

range: range, usually used for date or numberic

Type: Weak enumeration type, optional values: eq、ne、lk、ll、rl、gt、ge、lt、le、range

Default: Empty string


Whether to enable the advanced search, when this parameter is false in some columns, those columns can not filter or sort in advance query panel.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Whether to enable export, when the parameter is false in some columns, those columns will not be as an option for export.

Note: Export is a reserved keyword javascript, please use as much as possible in this way to define: 'export': false, is not recommended to write directly for: export:false.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Whether can execute the print, when the parameter is false, the print will not as an option to print.

Type: boolean

Default: true


The custom of analytic function. It definited by anonymous function or outer preset function, the sample code is as follows:

resolution:function(record, value){
	var content = '';
		content += '<span style="background:#00a2ca;padding:2px 10px;color:white;">Male</span>';
		content += '<span style="background:#c447ae;padding:2px 10px;color:white;">Female</span>';
	return content;

resolution:function(value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo){
	var content = '';
	content += '<button class="btn btn-xs btn-default" onclick="alert(\'Edit User: '+record.user_name+'\');"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i>  Edit</button>';
	content += '  ';
	content += '<button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" onclick="alert(\'Delete User: '+record.user_name+'\');"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>  Delete</button>';
	return content;

Resolution parameter usually used to customize the display of content or generate some operating button in the current cell.

Function arguments:

value: The value of the current cell

record: The record object, you can get other columns data by this record object

column:Column Object

grid:Grid Object

dataNo:Data number, starting from 0

columnNo:Column number, starting from 0

Type: function

Default: null

Grid Options

Grid options used to configuration the global grid attributes.


Used to set the table ID, you can not set this property without special needs, if you not set this property, DLShouWen Grid will generate a GUID to handle.

Note: This property cannot be repeated on tables which is in the same page.

Type: string

Default: GUID


Used to set the language of DLShouWen Gird, DLShouWen Grid already provided three languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, the default is English.

Note: Language need to include the corresponding i18N language file.

Type: Weak enumeration type, optional values: en, zh-cn, zh-tw, you can extended to you own languages

Default: en


Whether loading data by Ajax, if this parameter is true, it will through the loadURL address to load data, if it's false, it will get datas by parameter datas.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Whether load all datas. This parameter only works when the ajaxLoad property is true. But we do not recommend this way, load all data by once will affect the first execution efficiency, it's a poor user experience, and data display may not be real-time. The advantage is high efficiency after first load datas.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Ajax loading url address, this attribute only works when the ajaxLoad parameter is true.

Note: If there is a full load data mode (loadAll property is true), please ensure that the loadURL responses JSON array, if it's not full loading data mode, please ensure that the loadURL responses Pager object, please download project version to see Pager object implementation.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Grid datas, is a JSON array. This parameter only works when ajaxLoad parameter is false.

Type: The JSON array

Default: null


Global style for grid, the expression was same to standard CSS.

Type: string

Default: Empty string


Global custom style sheet for grid.

Type: string

Default: table table-bordered table-hover table-responsive


Extra column width.

Example: extraWidth:80\extraWidth:'80px'\extraWidth:'20%'

Type: string or number

Default: null


DLShouWen Grid provides the check function, set the property to true will add a checkbox column before all columns, and will provides select allcheckbox, cancel all checkbox on column head. You can use the getCheckedRecords method to get the checked records.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Checkbox column width.

Example: checkWidth:80\checkWidth:'80px'\checkWidth:'20%'

Type: string or number

Default: null


Whether the column headers are displayed.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Grid container DOM id, table will be displayed in this container.

Type: string

Default: gridContainer


Grid toolbar container DOM id, table toolbar will be displayed in this container.

Type: string

Default: gridToolBarContainer


Tools options, optional parameters are as follows:

refresh: Refresh tables

fastQuery: Show fast query panel

advanceQuery: Show advanced search panel

export: Export

excel: Export excel file

csv: Export csv file

pdf: Export pdf file

txt: Export txt file

print: Print

Multi parameter use symbol | to segmentation, the typical of a export: export[excel,csv,pdf,txt], full format reference: refresh|faseQuery|advanceQuery|export[excel,csv,pdf,txt]|print.

Type: string

Default: refresh|faseQuery|advanceQuery|export[excel,csv,pdf,txt]|print


Export file name.

Type: string

Default: datas


Export url address, this attribute is invalid for Ajax Load Data By Page Mode, Ajax Load Data By Page Mode need do some SQL splicing operation to loading export datas, so export operation is in the loadURL parameter, please download the project implementation to know how it works.

Type: string

Default: /grid/export


The number of records per page.

Type: integer

Default: 20


Limit the number of records per page. If this parameter is array, the array is in accordance with the contents of the select box for the user to choose the number of records per page, if this parameter is an integer, then provide a input element for the user to input a number of records per page, this parameter value set in for the maximum limit the input, if this parameter is set to the other type, then is displayed per page displays the number, do not provide a user to change.

Type: array or integer or others

Default: [20, 50, 100]


Column object definitions, it's definited by a column JSON array.

Type: JSON Array

Default: null

Grid Event

For the DLShouWen Grid callback method form various events, all of the methods are configured in the grid option attribute, the callback method in parameter configuration in each method are described in detail.


Trigger when current cell clicked, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when current cell double clicked, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse over current cell, arguments: value, record, column transfer, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse move on current cell, arguments: value, record, column transfer, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse out current cell, arguments: value, record, column transfer, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse down on current cell, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse up on current cell, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, cell, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at current line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current row jQuery object

extraCell: The current cell are extended for the jQuery object

e: The event object


Trigger when current row clicked, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when current row double clicked, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse over current row, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse move on current row, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse out current row, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse down on current row, arguments: value, record, column, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse up current row, arguments: value, record, column transfer, grid, dataNo, columnNo, Row, row, extraRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


value: Analysised current cell value

record: The data object at the current line line

column: The column object of current cell

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

cell: The current cell jQuery object

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when current header clicked, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


DLShouWen Grid header has contains sort function, and this sort operation need to reload header code, so unable to bind the header double-click event.


Trigger when mouse over current header, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse move on current header, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse out current header, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse down current header, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse up current header, arguments: title, column, grid, columnNo, header, headerRow, e.

Type: function

Default: null


title: The header title

column: The current header column object

grid: Grid object

columnNo: Column number, starting from 0

header: The current head of jQuery objects

headerRow: The current meter for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when current gird clicked, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when current grid double clicked, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse over current grid, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse move on current grid, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse out current grid, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse down current grid, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when mouse up current grid, arguments: grid, e.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object

e: The event object


Trigger when grid load complete, arguments: grid.

Type: function

Default: null


grid: Grid object


Trigger when extra column opened, arguments: record, grid, dataNo, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


record: The current row data object

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object


Trigger when extra column closed, arguments: record, grid, dataNo, row, extraCell, e.

Type: function

Default: null


record: The current row data object

grid: Grid object

dataNo: Data number, starting from 0

row: The current line of jQuery objects

extraRow: The current line extension for jQuery objects

e: The event object

Interaction Attributes

Interaction parameters are information front-end script server interaction, those parameters is only for grid which ajaxLoad option was true(Ajax Load All Data Mode, Ajax Load Data By Page Mode).

Note: Those interaction parameter do not through the instanced DLShouWen Grid object to call, interaction parameters object is complete instantiation in the server interaction, in the server through the Pager object received, it's not DLShouWen Grid object.

Note: If some interaction parameters mark it can be modified, you can though modify grid object to modify those interaction parameters.


Application: Whether the data is loaded successfully, if the query SQL has error or configure advanced query has error then return false, if the correct query then return true.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Used to determine the interactive information is export action or not.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: For the export file name, the file name is got by the grid option exportFileName.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The exported file types, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Whether to export all datas, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The export columns, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Whether export data have been processed. If export data via the resolution, data format operation has finished processing then this data is deemed to already processed.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The export datas, decide by user choose, export datas are processed.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The records displayed number per page.

Special Instructions: This parameter can be modified manually.


Application: Record start number.

Special Instructions: This parameter can be modified manually.


Application: The current page number.

Special Instructions: This parameter can be modified manually.


Application: The total number of records in the current query.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The total number of pages.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: A custom parameters. This parameter can be set manually by javascript, attribute type is a JSON object, server through Pager parameters to get this JSON object, in Java we convert it to Map object.

Special Instructions: This parameter can be modified manually.


Application: Fast query parameters, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Advance query condition parameters, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Advance query sort parameters, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Exhibit datas in grid.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.

DLShouWen Grid Attributes

Those properties can visit or modify by instantiated DLShouWen Grid object.


Application: The initialization parameter.

Sub Parameters:

toolsIsInit [boolean]: Whether or not toobar initialized

printWindowIsInit [boolean]: Whether or not print window initialized

exportWindowIsInit [Object<string, boolean>]: Whether or not the export window initialized (this parameter contains multiple sub parameters, each sub parameter identifies a export type)

fastQueryWindowIsInit [boolean]: Whether or not the fast query window initialized

advanceQueryWindowIsInit [boolean]: Whether or not the advanced query window initialized

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Page parameter object.

Sub Parameters:

pageSize [integer]: The records displayed number per page

startRecord [integer]: Record start number

nowPage [integer]: The current page number

recordCount [integer]: The total number of records in the current query

pageCount [integer]: The total number of pages

Special Instructions: The parameters are calculated automatically generated by DLShouWen Grid, in those parameters, pageSize is modification.


Application: Grid option object.

Special Instructions: The content of parameter is configured by user and the default property of integration, it's modification.


Application: The original data set.

Special Instructions: The content of parameter is the grid original data, it's not recommended to manually modify.


Application: The basic data set, the current page from the original data by the paging parameters.

Special Instructions: The parameters of content based on the original data, is not recommended to manually modify.


Application: The display data set, concentrated from the underlying data processed (or server analytical processing).

Special Instructions: The parameters of the content was autogeneration by DLShouWen Grid, is not recommended to manually modify.


Application: Sorting parameters.

Sub Parameters:

columnId [string]: The sort column name, namely the configuration column properties in ID

sortType [integer]: Sort types [0- don't sort, 1- positive, 2- desc]

Special Instructions: The parameters of the content was autogeneration by DLShouWen Grid, is not recommended to manually modify.


Application: Sort buffer data set, the sorting process will cause the display data reordering, if do not cache will not be reduced to not sort order of data, so use this parameter when sorting data cache.

Special Instructions: The parameters for the automatic processing of content components, is not recommended to manually modify.


Application: A custom parameter sets. This parameter can be set manually by Javascript, attribute type for the Object object, you can set the parameters through Javascript, after setting the server package through Pager parameters access object object properties can be obtained in the corresponding parameter set, the set corresponds to the Java server for the Map object.

Special Instructions: This parameter can be modified manually.


Application: Fast query parameters, decide by user choose.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: Fast query original datas cache, this used by Non Ajax Load Data By Page Mode.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The advance query parameter object.

advanceQueryConditions [array]: The advance query condition array.

advanceQuerySorts [array]: The advance query sort array.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The column objects which will be printed.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The column objects which will be exported.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.


Application: The datas which will be Exported.

Special Instructions: The parameter does not suggest that manual modification.

DLShouWen Grid Functions

DLShouWen Grid functions can calls from the instantiated DLShouWen Grid object.


Load DLShouWen Grid. It will refresh all parameters, the dynamic ajax load mode will be require data from server. But we do not recommend you to use this method, if you need to refresh, please call the reload or refresh method.

Function Name: load

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Reload DLShouWen Grid.

Function Name: reload


allReload: When this attribute is true then just like call method load. when this attribute is false, it will only refresh existing data, it will not visit the server to require data.

Return: Nothing


The method is overloaded of the reload method.


Construct grid body, internal method, not recommended to call.

Function Name: constructGrid

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Construct the grid page toolbar, internal method, not recommended to call.

Function Name: constructGridPageBar

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Construct the grid toolbar, internal method, not recommended to call.

Function Name: constructGridToolBar

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Show the progress bar.

Function Name: showProcessBar

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Hide the progress bar.

Function Name: hideProcessBar

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Formats content, analyzes by format, codeTable attributes.

Function Name: formatContent


column: A column object

value: The content to format

Return: The formatted content


Jump to one page.

Function Name: goPage


page: The page number, integer

Return: Nothing


Open fast query modal for execute fast query.

Function Name: fastQuery

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Open advance query modal for execute advance query.

Function Name: advanceQuery

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Open print modal for execute print.

Function Name: print

Attributes: Nothing

Return: Nothing


Open export modal for execute export.

Function Name: exportFile


exportType: Export file type, weak enumeration, optional type: excel, csv, txt, pdf

Return: Nothing


Get checked records, the method only works when the check property is true. Return a selected record JSON Array.

Function Name: getCheckedRecords

Attributes: Nothing

Return: A selected record JSON Array.

Static Functions

Static methods are some auxiliary methods, those can called by: $*.


Generate unique GUID String.

Function Name: guid

Attributes: Nothing

Return: The guid String


This method was deleted in version 1.1.9.


Output the start of Bootstrap modal HTML code.

Function Name: getWindowStart


id: The modal ID, can't repeat in same page

title: The modal title

Return: The start of modal HTML code


Output the end of Bootstrap modal HTML code.

Function Name: getWindowEnd


closeButtonTitle: The close button title.

buttons: Other buttons html code after close button.

Return: The end of modal HTML code


Toast some message like android.

Function Name: toast


content: Message content

level: Toast level, weak enumeration type, optional parameters: info, warning, error, success. Default: info

time: Toast duration, milliseconds, integer. Default: 3000

Return: Nothing


Formats a String as a javascript date object, format pattern is the same as format parameters.

Function Name: toDate


date: A date String

pattern: A pattern String. Default: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Return: The date as a Javascript date object


Formats the Javascript data object as a String, format pattern is the same as format parameters.

Function Name: dateFormat


value: The javascript date object to format

format: The way in which to format javascript date object

Return: The date as a String


Replaces a String with another String inside a larger String.

Function Name: replaceAll


s: Text to search and replace in

s1: The String to search for

s2: The String to replace it with

Return: The text with any replacements processed


Check if a String starts with a specified prefix.

Function Name: startsWith


str: The String to check

prefix: The prefix to find

Return: Boolean, if the String starts with the prefix, case sensitive


Check if a String ends with a specified suffix.

Function Name: endsWith


str: The String to check

suffix: The suffix to find

Return: Boolean, true if the String ends with the suffix, case sensitive


Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal ignoring the case.

Function Name: equalsIgnoreCase


str1: The first String

str2: The second String

Return: Boolean, true if the Strings are equal, case insensitive


Formats a number to a String, format pattern is the same as format parameter.

Function Name: numberFormat


number: The number to format

pattern: A pattern String

Return: The formatted number String


Ajax Query Package

Please refer to the DLShouWen Grid project implementation.

Export Server Package

Please refer to the DLShouWen Grid project implementation.

Fast Query Server Package

Please refer to the DLShouWen Grid project implementation.

Advance Query Server Package

Please refer to the DLShouWen Grid project implementation.